Front Cover Of 1960's 30th Issue of Ludas Matyi, Dated July 28th.
(One of the few times Jucika speaks)
Rough translation on the next tweet below.

84 621

174. Jucika's Portable Radio.
Published on Ludas Matyi on the week of July 4th-10th, 1960. (Dated July 7th).

44 362

Front Cover Of 1960's 30th Issue of Ludas Matyi, Dated July 28th.
(One of the few times Jucika speaks)
VERY Rough translation on the next tweet below.

20 99

174. Jucika's Portable Radio.
Published on Ludas Matyi, on the week of July 4th-10th, 1960.

15 100