//=time() ?>
La demencia juvenil hace que me sea imposible recordar cumpleaños xdxd.
Pero bueno, mejor tarde que nunca 🙏🙏
Tower of Guardian behind the scenes
Sometimes I wanna do a 2nd redesign of these fairies.
2 from the right wasn't "mine" but from the OG author (I just redraw it in my own style)
Flare (leftmost) was the first who gets a redesign, but my sense was still juvenile at that time
I wrote Rikiishi is kid (because he was in a juvenile detention center) but I’m not sure he is a kid or adult. But I’m crazy about him so much. Why I’m in love with Rikiishi so much now because he has same soul with John Silver…
當你發現你的兒時玩伴跟你被關在同一個奇怪的少年觀護所時 / When you found that your childhood friend was in the same strange juvenile hall with you.
‼️PTJ spoiIers‼️
‼️PTJ spoiIers‼️
the MC of "Juvenile Offender" from PTJ's new webtoon/manhwa has been bullied for years & has been SA'd too 😥; & NOW HE WILL TAKE HIS REVENGE!!!
I feel sooo bad for the MC 😓 he's so tired of the messed-up justice system in his country.
the man who taught the MC of PTJ's new webtoon, "Juvenile Offender," how to fight is none other than Yoo Hobin from How To Fight/Viral Hit!!! 🔥 they have student & teacher rs.
#Lookism #HowToFight
NEW INTERVIEW! @Tom_Breyfogle gives us a humorous, year-by-year look at juvenile delinquency with HOW I BECAME A SHOPLIFTER from @sumeriancomics. Featuring the final generation before technology took over. C'mon. Relive your unruly adolescence: https://t.co/NydgXOMJoP
¡Feliz #DíaDelLibroInfantilYJuvenil!
A la izquierda, mis libros como ilustrador; a la derecha, dos de mis libros como autor (cuyas cubiertas también ilustré).
Feliç dia del llibre infantil i juvenil! Aquest any el celebrem llegint al costat de la Lily, la protagonista de #LaBruixaRingRing ☺️📖
Trasladarnos a mundos fantásticos, explorar nuestra realidad cotidiana.
Diversión, imaginación, humor, aventura y fantasía, pero también reflexión, realismo e inclusión.
Nuestras recomendaciones: https://t.co/MVmyVjTnff
Results from the silly April's Fool #Paleostream
Hieraaetus moorei (for @ILamantino) Parvicursor (NOT THE BEES!), Bagaceratops (jumping over Shri) and Magallanodon (spraying a juvenile megaraptoran in the face)
¿Qué es un #TROLL?
Continuamos con la campaña de @ERYICAYI sobre “Alfabetización mediática e informacional y ciberseguridad”
#MadridEsJoven #EYID23 #MyDigitalMe #MIL #InformaciónJuvenil
The Boaraceratops, late juvenile form (left) and young adult (right). At these stages of life, they begin to exhibit far more aggression towards potential predators. They also leave the protection of their parents as young adults.
#specevo #scifi #artistsontwitter #triceratops
Por la casa de una amiga a veces veía a una viejita con vestimenta juvenil. Eso es lo que primero que me llamó la atención pero luego vi que caminaba unos pasos y se detenía, se agachaba y ponía sus manos en las rodillas como para descansar, y luego daba otros pasos mas y así…😓
Algunas de estas crías se han conservado en el tiempo con el gesto de intentar aferrarse al cráneo del dinosaurio juvenil, en un intento de sobrevivir ante el flujo de lodo volcánico que acabó con todos ellos🦕
#Curiosidades #Cultura #Naturaleza #Dinosaurios #Prehistoria
Been on a therizinosaurus drawing spree as of late. There’s still a few dinosaurs out there that don’t have a juvenile/ baby form in Jurassic, maybe one day I’ll get through all of them. #therizinosaurus #jurassicworld