Kalamkari artwork of Shiva Parvati, a traditional Indian folk art in digital by , Artpreneur's Alumni Brand
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Some flora, reptiles, amphibians and insects from Biodiversity Map of Andhra Pradesh. The illustrations of the map borrow their inspiration from the forms and techniques of Srikalahasti style of Kalamkari- a beloved and age-old traditional art of Andhra Pradesh.

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私の方の制作は、#四君子 の を描いた が途中経過を撮影する余裕も無いままに仕上がりました。笑

鬱々とした冬の闇夜に芳しく咲き誇る白梅&紅梅。デフォルメした太い枝には をびっしり施しました。


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Shri Ram Durbar, Kalamkari Painting from

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🕉️Kalamkari Art🕉️

Literally means ‘drawings with a pen’, Kalamkari is of two types in India: Machilipatnam, which originates from Machilipatnam in Andhra Pradesh and Srikalahasti, which originates from Chittor in the same state.

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inspired wall hanging( as it is titled)
1610-40 (2.75mtr) Brooklyn Museum
notice subject-painting dyed-are European so called gentlemen?

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These are the full spreads I created for the Panchatantra mock ups. I really wanted them to have an authentic feel to them. They are both heavily influenced by kalamkari textiles. Hoping they will become a real book some day x

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