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Battle Spirits Saga[BSS05] STRANGERS IN THE SKYにて、「Kalavinkale」を描かせて頂きました🎨

10 26

on both an emotional and intellectual level, Maruna and Ran have the most 🔥 and genuinely fleshed-out development (with those other named characters right behind), and Kalavinka just makes ya smile and have a good day 🤧

I cooked up some more to say in my head but JT hated all

2 9

Leez is definitely my favorite character though

And right under her are Maruna and Ran for sure

Kalavinka is my special, though

There's ofc a ton of other really cool characters like Ananta, Asha, Gandarvha, Kubera, etc. but those 4 above are my favorite since Leez moves me

2 11

HO 審判 / Emma Kalavinka

アヤメ / 花言葉「知恵」

10 20

Sé que lo estabais esperando...las 4 bestias del
🐺 Lobisomem
🌳 Leshen
🐦 Kalavinka
🦇 Camazotz

3 6

◎あなたのサークル「Kalavinka」は、土曜日 東地区“ソ”ブロック-39b に配置されました。

161 716

(1/4)KALAVINKAから派生した多形態変換型AWTはVCOS(VeihcleCamouflageOperationSystem)と呼ばれている。NEMESIS K 2とPHANTOMはKALAVINKAの考え方を完全に継承したVCOS製品である。

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Oh shit, did they teleport here with Kalavinka's ability???

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Hmm, if that's indeed him, I wonder if he's actually playing the role Kalavinka thinks he is… I'm not so sure about that

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Holy… expression! I feel the same as Smol Kalavinka rn… What does that expression even mean?! What a terrifying but also tired look... Also, is that the first time his eyes are visible or did I just forget? His eyes are usually covered by his bangs

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It must be so weird for Kalavinka to hear that her brother is travelling with the supposed cause of the Cataclysm and a suspicious looking person claiming to be human against common sense

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Yeah now you're in his domain, Kalavinka

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Uh oh uh oh uh oh, now she suspects him even more😬 Kalavinka looks gorgeous btw, love her character design sm🥰

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New fact about Kalavinka -- she have a fear of undead.

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