Here are the Lumica ships so far in Gacha Life form.
1. Luke x Lucy (Luky)
2. Annabelle x Kati (Katibell)
3. Jonah x Richard (Ronah)
4. Jack x Jackie

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I designed two Lumica ships in chibi forms.
Katibell and a future one 🙂
I hope you like it

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I've been creating Lumica characters on Gacha Life and making funny and weird pics 😄
Watch out, Devianna is gonna sweep everyone up 🤣
Katibell floating pic is great and Giant Penny.

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I'm working on Lumica novel 3.
So I created Annabelle x Kati on gacha life.
Here they are.
They are adorable 🙂
It's Katibell 🥰

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