
CoC『Paranormal Crime』

HO1 Ewen・Shia・Wong(入口さとる)
HO2 Rebecca ・Morgan (町居ゆの)
HO3 Keith・Willcott (みゃお)
HO4 Theodore・Parker (コウリ)
HO5 Caleb・Ryan (いんこ)
HO6 Leo・Marcus・Bradley(くめ)

▌全エピソードクリア 全生還

4 25

I'm scared if I lose sight of you someday.

90 268

Your OC vs Who they sound like

Might surprise some of you

(also its the jp va, their en voice claim is Keith David hehe 👁👁✨️💙💜) https://t.co/R9RtImq2m8

7 118

Happy birthday Keith…❤️❤️❤️

273 1222

"keith pls stop trying to break the game"
- todd howard probably

0 18

AWW TY KEITH you're a real one 🥹
Hi Vee! Since keith was kind enough to recommend me, I'll link some of my art examples for you to check out! ^o^

3 30

CoC『嗤う人間師』作:ニム さま
■ KP くまこむし さん
■ PC / PL
PC1 : Riley=Patience / さしみ さん
PC2 : Mamold March / ぬ。さん
PC3 : Keith Nine / 竜卓
PC4 : Fafro Tskies / 雨屋 さん

1ロスト3生還でした👏 す〜〜っごい楽しかった!!! シナリオもHOもRPも部屋の演出も最高でした☺️🙏

0 1

Mage: The Hero Discovered by Matt Wagner, Sam Keith, Jeremy Cox, and James Rochelle

My review here: https://t.co/9U8XDzSJXC

0 1


PC1:れいあさん(Keith Milward)
PC2:胡麻さん(James Hudson)
PC3:七瀬さん(Connor Aldridge)
PC4:ぬ(Harvey Ravenscroft)


3 37

Mage: The Hero Discovered by Matt Wagner (inked by Sam Keith)

1 17

"G'day mate! Wanna join me today?"

Rough sketch of my OC, Keith. He is a (seasonal) surfer and like beach so much.

3 13

Gm dear Keith ❤️

Nothing in the world, like in your head, happens for no reason. If something happened, then you can be sure that there was a reason for this.
Reserve 0.10 $ETH


2 2

Hello, I am Keith. I make OCs for my AUs called Cookie Run: Legend and Cookie Run: Millennial and sometimes fanart of the Cookie Run franchise

(Also, I'm working on a thumbnail for Syruppy, so stay tuned and wear ur seatbelts)

0 2

decided to give keith a girlfriend. her name is frankie (francis)

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