Happiest birthday to the saltiest, babiest, prettiest, sexiest, cutest, baddest and realest btch that I know, My beloved, Tsukishima Kei 💚🌙

He's meant to be an unlikeable character but he's my most favorite!


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A very old art of mine people and the very first art i did, it looks trash (kinda)👏

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somedoodles~ lagi males mewarnai.. ini sikembar tapi beda anime. Tinggi, pake megane, rambut pendek, ikemen, cool and calm. Mirip bangett sampe ke sifat-sifatnya. 🚫DON'T USE/EDIT/PRINT/SELL/REPOST my art🚫DON'T QRT !!!🚫

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En efecto, no podía quedarme fuera del trend "Go for it Nakamura" y por otro lado este hombre me tiene a sus pies. Pido perdón.

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Urghh I try to draw tsukki but😭I'm not good at shading tho...

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