When you’re making big decisions, remember, what you think of yourself and your life is more important than what people think of you.

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University Kenyans

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Kenyan politician Raila Odinga has accused President William Ruto of getting too cosy with the West. Odinga said the newly-elected Ruto is a puppet of the West, putting the interests of foreign powers above that of Kenyans.

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On this year's Earth Day we mourn the loss of our third president, H.E. Mwai Kibaki. RIP 🙏 Condolences to friends family and Kenyans.

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Copyright sector in Kenya contributes to more than 5 % of the GDP. It is an industry that needs to be harnessed and strengthened to create more employment for Kenyans. Copyright, just like land, is a property. It can be sold or even leased.

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Kenyans struggling to pay National Debt like...

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FROM KENYA: Elias Mung’ora is also great at portraits of his fellow Kenyans, all caught in intimate moments of introspection, when an inner light radiates from their faces carefully captured with Mung’ora’s strokes.

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Liberty is always dangerous, but it is the safest thing we have.
AB Consultants joins in wishing all Kenyans a happy Jamhuri day.

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Today's Kenyan nomad warriors defend the zebra from poaching. To them the zebra is a symbol of peace, beauty, rain, braying alarm clock too

In G Gundam the natural world is near death. Neo Kenyans may only remember the zebra as a tale of their ancestors
Memory of the land, Zebra

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As it is, Kenyans are already struggling much. Can we collectively stand up and say No to any evictions of citizens from their ordinary places of residence during this pandemic?

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But Kenyans are way more civilized. In Middle East, things are actually worse.

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Any politician tested positive to COVID-19 should be taken to the primary health care facility in his constituency.

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GOVERNMENT suspends importation of second-hand clothes to safeguard the health of Kenyans and to promote local textiles amid Covid-19 outbreak

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