Holiday sketches! Happy Holidays everyone! 😊

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There once was a mouse so small and meek
Who built a snowman quite unique
He used a small carrot for the nose
And two raisins for the eyes, I suppose

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Merry Christmas! Don’t forget: The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for ALL TO HEAR!

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It's been a stressful couple of days. 😬

Had to apologize to my family and to myself. 💔

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Probably the last illo of the year. Running with bunnies 🐰 💕

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I’ve been in a bit of a creative slump so I decided to just doodle a little bit and out popped this gal. New character, new story 😊

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I’ve always enjoyed so I thought I’d post a few of the images I’ve been working on. The day 1 prompt was monsters.

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Christmas shopping 🎄🎅🏼🚗 I’d really-really love to illustrate a fun Xmas picture book in the future…just putting this out into the universe…✨💫

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