It's too late! I know! But this is my free theme of krbk month october day 16!
My own version/fanfic of Youkai AU!
Double art! Human version + Youkai version!
Complete Own Style!

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GAH! I come too late!!

But there it is!! Kiribaku month day 13!
Angel and Demon AU!
This is my own design version of this AU!
Angel Bakugou meet Kiri demon and give him his vital purity.

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It's tiiiime! Day 5 of Kiribaku month!

Hogwarts AU! My favourite!!

This is the portrait of my first fanfic AU Hogwarts book

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Day 25!!

"He looks like an angel when he is sleeping ...
He even hugs me in his dreams ... hehe~"

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Day 23!!

"Are you sure you're fine with me? We don't spend much time together."
"Katsuki, I already told you. You are the most important of my life."

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Day 22!!

"Stop. Stupid shitty hair, I'm sick."
"I don't care. I want to kiss you"

11 56

Day 16!!

"Mina: Are they sleeping?"
"Sero: They'll end up falling from the hammock, lmao"
"Kaminari: Photo taken!"

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Day 14!!

"How far will Earth be from here?"
"I don't know, but ... I'm sure we'll be back. Together."
"Do you think we will survive? Will we always be together to return? Promise me."
"I promise you."

14 51

Day 9!!
Ok, this theme it was a... little bit difficult, so... I tried like simbolism more than tattoos theme x.x

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