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During ⚡️🐱 #RaichuWeek 🐱⚡️ I will feature my favourite illustrations, this is from @laimakes 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers!
#Raichu #Pokémon #raichupropaganda #laimakes #pokemongo #Raichufacts #pokemoncommunity #Raichuart #Raichudraw… https://t.co/k2scjEIIgv
During 🐍 #EkansWeek 🐍 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @laimakes 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers!
#Ekans #Pokémon #pokemoncenterlondon #niantic #laimakes #pokemongo #knowingekans #Ekansfacts #Ekansart #Ekans… https://t.co/CvH3XJYYAG
During 🐦 #FearowWeek 🐦 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @laimakes 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers!
#Fearow #Pokémon #pokemoncenterlondon #niantic #laimakes #pokemongo #missunderstoodFearow #Fearowfacts #Fear… https://t.co/XE1L4poizL
During 🐦 #SpearowWeek 🐦 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @laimakes 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers!
#Spearow #Pokémon #pokemoncenterlondon #niantic #laimakes #pokemongo #aggresivespearow #Spearowfacts #Spearo… https://t.co/Dj1BqxzzMe
During 🐦 #PidgeotWeek 🐦 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @laimakes 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers!
#Pidgeot #Pokémon #pokemoncenterlondon #niantic #laimakes #pokemongo #regalpidgeot #Pidgeotfacts #Pidgeotart… https://t.co/omY9Z4HTnV
A maravilhosa @ laimakes fez uma sequência ilustrativa lindíssima, a partir de Pokémon, para ensinar a lavar as mãos, em especial, às crianças. Segue o fio, e aproveitem e conheçam melhor a arte dela em seu perfil no insta: https://t.co/fpeR3R4JxA
During 🐦 #PidgeottoWeek 🐦 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @laimakes 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers!
#Pidgeotto #Pokémon #shinypidgeotto #niantic #laimakes #pokemongo #loyalpidgeotto #Pidgeottofacts #Pidgeot… https://t.co/hPMLUY8zme
During 🐦 #PidgeyWeek 🐦 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @laimakes 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers!
#Pidgey #Pokémon #pokemoncenterlondon #niantic #laimakes #pokemongo #bravepidgey #Pidgeyfacts #Pidgeyart #pid… https://t.co/JS8k23yR8c
During 🐝 #BeedrillWeek 🐝 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @laimakes 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers!
#Beedrill #Pokémon #wiidrill #niantic #laimakes #pokemongo #deadlybeedrill #Beedrillfacts #beedrillart #bee… https://t.co/W7ZN2kRJeq
During 🐛 #KakunaWeek 🐛 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @laimakes 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers!
#Kakuna #Pokémon #casekuna #niantic #laimakes #pokemongo #watchfulkakuna #Kakunafacts #kakunaart #kakunadrawi… https://t.co/r11QJ3sZDk
During 🐛 #WeedleWeek 🐛 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @laimakes 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers!
#Weedle #Pokémon #wiidle #niantic #laimakes #pokemongo #curiousweedle #weedlefacts #weedleart #weedledrawing … https://t.co/ufZ4b0iaCt
During 🐛 #MetapodWeek 🐛 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from @laimakes 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers!
#metapod #Pokémon #pokemoncenterlondon #niantic #laimakes #pokemongo #toughmetapod #metapodfacts #metapodart… https://t.co/JfxH63jp1V