Famara beach in Lanzarote is famous for surfing, but it's also a gorgeous place for landscape photographers!

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All kinds of things in Lost Property Boxes...

Socks with holes in and shoes minus laces,
stand-up figures without any bases.
A faded T-shirt from Lanzarote,
a big hits CD by Pavarotti.....

Poem & writing ideas here: https://t.co/HJPseFHFHe

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Con este dibu aprovecho para desearos a todos un feliz verano ¡Aquí tenéis a ,surfeando en las costas de ! 😎Una buena forma de combatir el calorazo🥵

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Porsche 911 [1963]

432x540 px

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"The valid work of an artist must be a testimony of the authenticity of their true personality and of the environment in which they have had to live". César Manrique

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Get children writing: What's in your lost property box?

In our lost property box
there are.....
Socks with holes in and shoes minus laces,
stand-up figures without any bases.
A faded T-shirt from Lanzarote,
a big hits CD by Pavarotti....


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New artwork for sale! - "Lanzarote Canary Island Landscape with Windmill and Cacti" - https://t.co/tmwlcYIUvM

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I alreday finish a new collection inspired by the artist César Manrique, a native of the island of Lanzarote, who used to hold carnival parties where each guest made and created their own mask, giving rise to a great diversity of cheerful and fun masks.

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New blog post: More rhyming couplets...

In our lost property box
there are.....
Socks with holes in and shoes minus laces,
stand-up figures without any bases.
A faded T-shirt from Lanzarote,
a big hits CD by Pavarotti...

More ideas/examples: https://t.co/1RVVTYZ9Sn

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The statue El Diablo (The Devil) was created by the artist Cesar Manrique as a symbol for the Timanfaya National Park in Lanzarote. The park contains the results of the volcanic eruptions of the 18th and 19th centuries and contains one active volcano.

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Corona-Skizzen 649: El Lago Verde bei El Golfo, Lanzarote. Aquarell 18x26cm

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Aprovecho que es el Día de Canarias para subir algunas de las fotos que hice el verano pasado en Lanzarote y Fuerteventura✌🏻🇮🇨

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I spoke about the topic that I'll follow for this mermay days ago, which is about endemic flora of Canary Islands, and here the first one!
The flower is Aeonium Lancerottense (Besqueje de malpaís), a succulent plant of Lanzarote🌸🌱

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Corona-Skizzen 399: Blüten im Jardin de Cactus, Lanzarote. Aquarell 18x26cm

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The "Banana-Paco-dragon" a dragon creature that lives in Lanzarote from Canary Islands. they like to spend their time under the sun doing nothing exciting really. They're mostly known for their weird "flejeh" calling sounds and having big appetite despite their small size.

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