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Today is & we have selected the winner for this week's Fan Art Event. Congratulations to for this wonderful work of art. This talented Botmaster will be taking 150 Gems as a reward.

17 31

Non sai bene se la vita è viaggio,
se è sogno, se è attesa, se è un piano che si svolge giorno
dopo giorno e non te ne accorgi
se non guardando all’indietro. Non sai se ha senso.
In certi momenti il senso non conta.
Contano i legami.

Jorge Luis Borges

🎨 Louis Janmot

4 16

[Oc] These took way to long to finish ;’D Anyways, here is my son Legami! I was trying to play with detail and texture. I’d like to think my shading has gotten better, but it literally takes forever!

3 5

Today is & we have selected the winner for this week's Fan Art Event. Congratulations to for this wonderful work of art. This talented Botmaster will be taking 150 Gems as a reward.

11 32

...i legami psichici più vivi e durevoli sono quelli scaturiti da uno sguardo.

Edgar Allan Poe

💫✨Buona serata caro Pasquale a te e a tutti✨💫

🎨Marc Chagall

20 33

Are you excited about the new Soul? Did you already add her to your team?

Tell us what you think about Jiho, which team she fits best, and how to make her perform better against your foes or support your team 💪

17 250

2013 - 2022 [Oc] my boy Legami evolved…

3 4

I've been experimenting with a bunch of new icons, what ones do you like or what changes could be made to improve what I've currently got?

2 9

L'unità di misura dei legami
é la qualità non lá quantità

- Liz -

🎨 Georgia O'Keeffe

19 31

Today is & we have selected this week's Fan Art Event winner. Congrats to for this wonderful work of art. This talented Botmaster will be rewarded 150 Gems.

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