Mais um da série: Desenhos da madrugada de insônia... :-)

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Remembering on his birthday.

This print & my musician paintings at here:

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Este dibujo de John Lennon lo hice el 18 de diciembre de 1980, a mis tiernos 15 años:

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Drew a sketch of John and Yoko on what would've been John Lennon's 80th birthday ❤

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Todos quisiéramos que aun estuvieras aquí, les traigo un pequeño fan-art de al estilo The Loud House, puede que no sea tan impresionante, a mi solo mi importa dar este aporte. Si les gusto pueden seguirme en Devianart.

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A Day in the Life – Here are the Individual images – unframed, made with candy wrappers. 6.5″ x 28″ each 2017.

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Today in the gallery we're celebrating the giant of rock and roll that is featuring paintings including All You Need is Love, plus the man himself

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