Pamira 🐆
Species: Leopardus Pardalis
Available Slots: 5
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Geoffroy's Cat

Diet: Carnivore
Scientific Name: Leopardus geoffroyi
Japanese Name: ジョフロイ ネコ
Distribution: South America
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 14-15 years
Romanised Name: Jofuroi neko

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Diet: Carnivore
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 7-10 Years
Scientific Name: Leopardus pardalis
Also known as: Dwarf Leopard
Japanese Name: オセロット
Distribution: South and Central America
Romanised Name: Oserotto
Conservation Status: Least Concern

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Geoffroy's Cat

Distribution: South America
Japanese Name: ジョフロイ ネコ
Diet: Carnivore
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Scientific Name: Leopardus geoffroyi
Romanised Name: Jofuroi neko
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 14-15 years

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El ocelote, el jaguar mexicano, (leopardus pardalis), es, después del jaguar y del puma, el tercer felino más grande en Mesoamérica. Mide entre 79 y 90 centímetros de largo de cabeza y cuerpo, más 30 o 40 centímetros de cola. Pesa entre 10 y 12 kilogramos.

Sigue hilo:

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Geoffroy's Cat

Conservation Status: Least Concern
Japanese Name: ジョフロイ ネコ
Distribution: South America
Romanised Name: Jofuroi neko
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 14-15 years
Scientific Name: Leopardus geoffroyi
Diet: Carnivore

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Day 7: KODKOD (aka Güiña or Huiña) 🐈
Meet the smallest wild cat from the American continent (smaller than a domestic cat), the kodkod, which is endemic to Chile & Argentina and looks like a tiny leopard!

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Jaguatirica (Leopardus pardalis)
Skin: Gato-do-mato

É um felídeo de porte médio, com 72 a 100 centímetros de comprimento e peso entre 7 e 15 quilos.

Ocorre desde o sul dos EUA até o norte da Argentina, mas já foi extinta em algumas regiões de sua distribuição geográfica.

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Geoffroy's Cat

Average Lifespan in the Wild: 14-15 years
Romanised Name: Jofuroi neko
Scientific Name: Leopardus geoffroyi
Japanese Name: ジョフロイ ネコ
Diet: Carnivore
Distribution: South America
Conservation Status: Least Concern

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ムチオレオパルダス(Whiptail leopardus)


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Whiptail leopardus

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Me (Tala) ★ Animal I'm based on~

Tala is a Margay! (Leopardus wiedii)
A (small) big cat on the Near Threatened IUCN Red List. Probably not an animal you see everyday, but the reason I'm very passionate about big cat preservation.

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the only cat creature I'll allow myself to do xD leopardus jacobitus, or Andean Mountain cat is sadly an endangered cat specie. Small but terrible.

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Sandoval, Cyril R.
Leopardus colocola

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Decided to edit more of my custom keyblades. This they're "Unicorn's Guilt", "Vulpes Crown", "Cobra's Rain", and "Leopard's Fire".

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