This Funky Fungi 3x3 Challenge 2023 - Pop Up Group definitely pushed me! I has so much fun I ended up with 3 patterns, a quote/card, and an editorial!

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Growth takes time and patience.

Also, if you know how to acquire more time of patience, I'm open for suggestions 😊

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Growth takes time and patience.

Also, if you know how to acquire more time of patience, I'm open for suggestions 😊

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Slow travel is about emmersion into a culture.
I love slow travel because my goal is not to “rush through” everything but to be present and engage with new senses - instead being a jaded traveller.

Tell me about your travel…

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Surface pattern dessert

I love dessert. Sometimes, dessert without dinner even better. What can be more rewarding - wearing your dessert and gain no calories :)

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Week 2: Childhood favourite things/ still life illustration party hosted by cle and io and y

Thunder storm will always caused our electricity to go out. Our lamp was very warm and comforting.

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I just love Birthday cards.
It envokes emotions that people remember YOU!
In my family, we dont remember birthdays, so I grew feeling I missing something. When I received a card, i felt the wholeness. A birthday card is important.

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Although we don't celebrate Thanksgiving here in the UK, I've been working on a few designs for this national holiday, which is tomorrow! This is a section of my first design 🥕🧅🥔

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Bubble bubble toil and trouble... (I've replaced three witches with a cute owl) Colourful Halloween design 🦇🦉👻

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This Blue Moth is a part of a bigger project, that I made for the Spoonflower challenge “Retro Bugs”.

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