Quack mfn Quack!! I hope y’all join us on SHIT IS REAL ON ALL LittleTerrors Holders GET 10 Ripple from me to activate there 😱 Those that choose not to participate in the launching of and ARE HOLDERS OF A LitTerror I will figure it out

0 4

Aye hooked me up with this What’s the chances of a 😉 I’ll give you a Which gives you & 50% off 1 Duckset Mint 🔥 by the way I’m VP of Have a blessed day homie

2 3

First one of hopefully a new thing, a themed Art Print is up on my store. As I complete Faction imagery they'll get the same treatment!

is here.

Pick one up with the graphic novel too!


1 9

Trafalgar Square is mobbed by the undead for exclusive variant cover

4 1