day 3: wand (ft. & the shiny rod from

i had this done awhile ago but i’ve been SUUUPER behind on . didnt want to spam so you guys will b seeing the other pieces later on :,)

35 93

"Little Witches in Training"

Happy 5th anniversary to the show Having binged watched the episodes, I can safely say that this is easily one of the most action-packed and adorable animes I've watched.

14 29

A magical Shiny Chariot from
Still need to practice lineart and color balance and composition and shading... drawing is hard.

44 155

i love sucy from i drew her for for todays i was going to draw suzy from the ooblongs but i ran out of time sadly

7 51

Akko from Watercolour, acrylic pens. That show was a goddamn blessing

0 9

of I Drew from Repost if you like it! Helps me get noticed for my

1 3

Sucy from

i think i've found the coloring style that appeases my needs.

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Ahh, I fugged up with my tumblr, so I'm posting the pic again. For I drew a little Akko from

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