Rumor: Angel in Hell is currently in contact with LiuYiFei & WuJing as the leads. The movie will be produce by Wujing's company. It said that it plans to start shooting in July or August. If LYF declines d role d company plans to get a 95er with martial arts background as d lead.

3 14

With 240 million readings so far and an RS with no host and trending at That's her.. LiuYiFei

9 18

Since her name has been used for hot searches these past few days, her big accts fans r asking her fans not to go the popular search terms & don't post on those topics to heat up. They're reminding her fans that when to want to post about her , just use her nametag..

4 13

A Dream of Splendor 梦华录 Drama Fan Art

This is a collection of fanart c-drama A Dream of Splendor that I drew, hope you like it!

C-Drama: /
Cast: Lin Yun & Liu Yan

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A Dream of Splendor 梦华录 Cdrama Scene Fanart

Zhao Pan’er and Gu Qianfan’s sweet scene on the boat (but I didn’t draw the boat).

C-Drama: /
Cast: Lin Yun & Liu Yan

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Another scene from the drama “A Dream of Splendor“. Even though it’s hm 👎, but I’m quite satisfied with the results 😌

C-Drama: /
Cast: Chen Xiao, Lin Yun & Liu Yan

Btw, this illustration was inspired by @呼葱觅蒜 on Weibo.

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Drawing one of the scenes in the c-drama “A Dream of Splendor”. This c-drama has a lot of scenes like a painting, very beautiful. I want to draw this c-drama fanart again 🙁

C-Drama: /
Cast: Lin Yun & Liu Yan

4 10

Hi Cong Mi Suan shares new faceless artworks of in

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