Man muss schon sehr deutsch sein, um nach Maßnahmenaufgabe, Fußball, Fasching, Weihnachtsmärkten, Präsenzunterricht und achtsam um Querdenker tanzende, oft selbst ausgiebig querdenkender Coronapolitik überrascht zu sein, dass zu Weihnachten die große Lockdownbescherung winkt.

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"What's done / Cannot be undone" . After a guiltless session of red bus painting, sleepwalks in the manner of Lady Macbeth. The UK now has the worst daily Covid death rate in the world.

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‘Did ever a poor unfortunate man, brother Donald, suffer so many lashes’ ⁦⁦

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Here'a my latest hero portrait. The face of a good mate and what a face in his

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Lobsters alive ho! --Live Lobsters! and dead,
Who've chang'd their jet armour to beautiful red,
And yet of no delicate flavour despoil'd --
Lobsters alive ho!--Live Lobsters, and boil'd!

1 3

‘I’ was for Insects in today’s wonderful Here are some traffic-light locusts, with watching lynx.

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⁣Please help me build this hashtag and put activity pages online.⁣


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⁣Please help me build this hashtag and put activity pages online.⁣


1 3

⁣Please help me build this hashtag and put activity pages online.⁣


2 1

⁣Please help me build this hashtag and put activity pages online.⁣


0 3

⁣Please help me build this hashtag and put activity pages online.⁣


0 6

⁣Please help me build this hashtag and put activity pages online.⁣


0 4

⁣Please help me build this hashtag and put activity pages online.⁣


0 2

⁣Please help me build this hashtag and put activity pages online, so children in lockdown can have a bit of fun.⁣

1 3

⁣Please help me build this hashtag and put activity pages online, so children in lockdown can have a bit of fun.⁣

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En les librairies sont considérées comme des commerces essentiels. ♥️

"Tous les magasins et commerces non essentiels doivent fermer. A l'exception des magasins alimentaires, pharmacies, magasins pour animaux et librairies."

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