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41 158


4 16

I haven't drawn this asshole in forever. I told you I didn't forget about Lord of Avalon.

4 7

Come not between the Nazgûl and his prey! Or he will not slay thee in thy turn. He will bear thee away to the houses of lamentation, beyond all darkness, where thy flesh shall be devoured, and thy shrivelled mind be left naked to the Lidless Eye

61 386

Thranduil in Majora’s mask twilight Princess wind waker and skyward sword

0 0

Galadriel in ocarina of time wind waker twilight Princess and skyward sword

0 0

사실 이걸 하고 싶었음
빛프라우 과거는 물라우였음 좋겠다...

31 33

"But more than this, I know it in my heart. He was my brother."

1 1

걍... 걔를 바다에 보내고도 싶었고 머리 풀고도 싶었음
자켓만 벗어도 수영복이 된다는 건 좋구나 (프라우: 엥?)

34 45

At the Ford of Bruinen by Jerry Vanderstelt

49 339