Somewhere in the depths of this lake there could be the bizarre Where could it be hiding? 🔎

The last time it was seen alive was in the '50s. But we believe it's still out there.

*Maybe* it just doesn't get out much..

Rendering by 🎨

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Excited to announce that the Fat catfish has made it onto 's Top 25 Most Wanted Lost Species. It joins the Syr Darya shovelnose sturgeon in being one of Shoal's Top 10 Most Wanted


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The winners for the have been announced!

Congratulations to the artists whose art will be exhibited in this weekend. If you are close to Oxford, it is not to be missed!

View the winners here:

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A Syr Darya Shovelnose Sturgeon is my choice for the Lost Fishes Art Challenge through and . I really wanted to do more, but time got away from me. More on the blog:

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Another one crossed from the list [ Duck-Billed Buntingi ]


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Finished render Batman river, Do you know that is (or was 🥲) a dwarf fish?

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I'm also very into these entries which have a character-driven style, like these of an angry Mesopotamian Barbel and a surprised Duck-billed Buntingi by Liane Tancock on Instagram.

Give her a follow:

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More entries to the are in, including these incredible drawings of the Batman River loach (), Titicaca orestias (), spinach pipefish () and Syr Darya shovelnose sturgeon ()!👇👇

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I don’t know if a Caribbean Reef Octopus technically counts as a but with the amount of damage done to coral reefs due to rising temperatures, it certainly might in the coming decades.

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Strange Alice in Wonderland inspired heroine and lost rabbit by French illustrator Lostfish

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