Day 4:
As much as I wanna show off my bladesinger wizard, I can't for spoiler reasons so i've been replacing his head with siamese cats since he coincidentally shares the same colouration. The amount of hatred he habours towards a homebrew enemy is comical

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くろたちゃん(@ chloura2)のところのもちもちの五嫁と弊五夢ちゃんの雰囲気が合いそうだという話をしていたんですがあまりにかわいくて……描きました……もちもち……

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Welcome April. 🍃
“March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers”
A watercolour from my archives.
“Dance Amongst the Flowers” 🌸

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Introducing my latest work - painting of the majestic flamingos! Inspired by the episode about these incredible creatures, I learned some amazing facts about them, if you are interested give it a listen too!

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Loura X 도담 콜라보를 하게 되었어요!!

[이벤트 내용]
라우라 사용 후, 본인 인스타 나 트위터에 라우라 사진을 게시후 저를 태그해주세요
1명 선정 후, 스타벅스 3만원 상품권을 드리도록 하겠습니다! (4월3일)



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Happy Flower Friday folks! Todays flower is the humble pansy - a cheerful flower that signifies friendship. For all of you 😊

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You are already good enough ❤️

If we always strive to be perfect, we will never be satisfied. Peace within comes from being able to accept and appreciate where you already are.

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👧💞● infinite girls collection(無限の女の子)



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Done with the lines for the background. Took me more time than expected. 😅💦
Now comes the fun part. Cleaning up the colouration. 💪😁✨

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Himari é uma caloura do ensino médio, que no primeiro dia de aula assiste a apresentação do clube de música, apaixonando-se por Yori à primeira vista.

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Might do a better take on this concept later but it occurs to me that Oinkologne and Salazzle both have a perfume theme and a very similar colouration

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