12/30 冬コミ  お25b

44p カップリング要素はありません

72 224

12/30 冬コミ 
新刊表紙です (アークナイツ)



52 151

Oc Lore (a little)/ oc x Canon

Real Name: Lin Qin
Age: 60+
Gender: female
Birthplace: yan-lungmen
Race: vixen (vulpo)
Height:187 cm
Status: deceased

5 41

名古屋で明日開催のオペサス3で新刊「Awesome Lungmen Days and Clothes」を出します

25 88

龙门'偶遇' "Long time no see, Texas ... Took me a while to find you in Lungmen."

112 1050

YIPPEEEE my arknights oc i have been rotating in my mind :) they are infected and use a mask to help them breathe and work in the underground of Lungmen assisting other infected with medical care and supplies

3 20

[arknights] detectives of Lungmen! (and their caterer)

395 1186

[Official Comics] 123 Rhodes Island Chapter 51
Texas the omertosa returns to Lungmen https://t.co/EsRwuMey9R

363 2211

"'Sup everyone, this is the Click Channel! Today we're visiting my friend who owns a SUPER FAMOUS finball shop in Lungmen!!"

Day 25: Favorite 4 star(s)!

11 31

I made an Arknights OC.

Operator Rakshasa, from the Lungmen Guard Department

I even made a page for her

4 6

There was a threat of arson, so we sent out
the Lungmen squad to the city to investigate.
a-round- 10 people-

Chief please don't anyhow press!
*tap tap tap*
Chief, don't press anyhow, or else... Ah!
110 has already been dialed

5 25

20. Ch'en!

Ch'en's char. throughout the Chernobog Incident, Lungmen, and Dossoles show a progression from a black-and-white good-vs-evil mindset to understanding the nuances and problems behind institutionalized violence and oppressive systems!

She also stops being a cop!

0 2

Another Fiammetta drawing already the fourth one by now
I figured with her hate towards lungmen’s movies she would probably get along pretty well with dusk on that point at least

8 28

Dw Dr. Pan is fine after being disowned by her family, maltreated by the bureaucratic Medical sector of Lungmen, several mental breakdowns, and an Infection that practically eats away her sanity and emotional stability per usage

👁️👄👁️ https://t.co/hYtwFsT963

7 44

Special site to recap on CN Arknights: https://t.co/tLYfgJ3ZIw

It has many types of statistics. The interesting ones are me using SilverAsh most in battle and the amount of LMD I earnt can buy 8 expensive pianos in Lungmen.

38 135

awkward next rhodes-lungmen meeting

14 78