(OC) Maho Shounen

hehehe I had wanted to draw these 3 together for a long time, they are Mariano ( OC), Andres ( OC) and my girl Amet

hope you like!!!

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Thaank you everyone who stopped by the secret stream!! Hopefully you enjoyed the secret 👀👀
Thank you @/enricozenitani, @/themagicalneo, @/gingamahoshonen, & @/chiyongrira for the raids!!💕 4 very amazing precious people~ ^^
Thanks all for the love & support!~~

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「魔法少年」Kickstarterプロジェクト スレイン・ジュピターのデザインを変更‼️グループの統一感で唯一の長ズボンキャラが半ズボンに✨
"Mahoshonen" PILOT FILM PROJECT. BOYS BE MAHO SHONEN! by 魔法少年プロジェクトhttps://t.co/66xTOj1eOK

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The "Mahoshonen" kickstarter project has redesigned Mito di Venus ! The director considered the unity of design. Consciousness of a boy. "Mahoshonen"A nice collaboration between Rena Okuyama and Kaie Tada. https://t.co/66xTOj1eOK

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「魔法少年」Kickstarterプロジェクト ミト・ディ・ヴィーナスのデザインを変更‼️グループの統一感を図りつつより少年っぽくなったと思うのですがいかがでしょうか?✨ "Mahoshonen" PILOT FILM PROJECT. BOYS BE MAHO SHONEN! by 魔法少年プロジェクトhttps://t.co/66xTOj1eOK

9 19

The "Mahoshonen" kickstarter project has redesigned Roche de Mars! I considered the unity of design and made it red based on Mars and fire attribute. https://t.co/RgP3xJoDzv

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