So, guys... I present you with the very first design sketch for my up and coming personal avatar change. Some details will change slightly and it will look a bit different when line art is finished, but here's what we have so far!

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Digo, yo sé que no soy el Rembrandt de los furris, pero tampoco dibujo tan feo, ¿Eso importa al momento de comisionar? ... Also, DEFINITIVAMENTE no tengo un estilo marcado, soy muy camaleonico al momento de dibujar, ¿eso importa?

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It turns out there’s a hashtag out there that defines my lack of style consistency and my chamaleonic aptitudes

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Chamaleonidae (series)
📷 © Ana Santos

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EEE I got my amazing commission by huppyleon / primaleoni finally of "Old Saint Pearl / Santa Pearl!" It is something that kinda started a few years ago at MFF 2014, lol - Pearl goes around giving fishy gifts to all the good furries xD

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Hoy se cumplen 2 años de la muerte de David Bowie. Camaleonico artista. Autentico, creativo y arriesgado. Puro talento. RIP

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hoy un nuevo de con vestuario sgdfgdf me encanta lo coqueto y camaleonico que puede ser ryuk 7u7

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