【Let's play Mamemaki‼︎‼︎】



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Demons out! Good fortune in!

It's Setsubun in Japan! 👹 Meaning "changing of the seasons" or "seasonal division", Setsubun is often associated with a ritual called mamemaki (throwing roasted soybeans) out the front of the door or at a member of a family wearing a demon mask.

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節分・豆まきのイラスト 鬼と福の神

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El Mamemaki (豆まき) es un rito de purificación que comenzó a celebrarse en el siglo XIV, en el periodo Muromachi que consiste en lanzar semillas. Actualmente se lanzan semillas de soja (mame) al Oni (demonio) para ahuyentarlo.

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Happy the Japanese holiday marking the imminent arrival of Spring! With its ritual of mamemaki to drive away evil spirits bringing misfortune & bad health, it feels particularly apt to celebrate in 2021. Demons out, good fortune in!

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