My name is Amanda and I love illustrating book characters, covers and fantasy oc's.

I'm also looking for more friends here so Hi ☺️

email for commissions

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Overdue joke... because ever nerd needs proper d20/20 vision 🤓

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July Day 12 - had a ball playing with my friends on Discord. Our treasure hunt turned into a mimic & efreeti encounter, but we got out in one piece!

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July Day 11 - we had a pretty brutal wind and rain storm roll through where we were catering... which was -of course- outside. Luckily we had shelter, but was some pretty wicked wind on our paper plates!

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July day 2 - went to visit Auntie Linda with Mom and got to meet Preston for the first time!

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Been meaning to do an outfit for a while! Figured to hold it off to a month in which 99% of the clothing I wear won't just be catering uniforms!

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Day 19 - has been together three years today! Given all they've been through, and I thought it was high time to marry the noodles already!

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Day 13 - I'm always a big fan of the aesthetic to old school suits. So used this as a chance to play around with complementary colours.

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for my very good friend in France ( ). I adore the god drama with Grief turning into Pain in ❤️

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Another fun drawing based on livestreams. Kawaii_Crusader is one of the raffled-in soldiers and quite the badass!

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Our fierce Captain Bonnie (brought to life by in She is very protective of her crew and has guilt from her past weighing on her heart.

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March-ing towards the countdown of release by lining and colouring a child doodle of my character Fasi Woodvale.

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Starting off with continuing the series of fellow castmembers in the 'The Season'. This is Prester's character Madhuri Jain, heir to a Marchioness title with cunning wit.

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of a of cuties stranded in a desert island in the 1960s. Done for my fellow user: agentj9!

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