# anime animeguy animedrawing manga face art artist drawing draw sketch mangaart illustration digital photoshop artwork character c digitalartist digitalart shonen rewards kickstarter cremisi space metal bookmark comic book gifts crowdfunding comicbook toonami horror action indie indiecomic western spacewestern doodles animeart concept characterdesigner comics indiecomics animegirl comicgirl comicguy mangagirl oc originalcontent original oroginalcharacter mangaartist mangastyle animestyle digitaldrawing demon beginnerartist dnd dungeonsanddragons animeartist animedrawings graphic graphicdesign gamegrumps dannyavidan arinhanson danavidan gamegrumpsfanart color pixiv kawaiigirls kawaiiart thatsalotoftags touya touyakinomoto clamp scc animeboy animebaby mangababy baby babe dadandson youngdad daughter fulcolor colorfull padre hijo artedigital glasses sweetdream rockabye ellenipon traditionalart originalcharacter characterdesign formalattire fanart wip otaku アニメ 漫画 イラスト かわいい 二次元 kawaii quarantinelife covidart イケメン kaichouwamaidsama maidsama usuitakumi takumiusui 会長はメイド様 碓氷拓海 childhood cardcaptorsakura tomoyodaidouji カードキャプターさくら 大道寺知世 木之本さくら 告白実行委員会 愛蔵 cute honeyworks ハニワ ハニーワークス 柴崎愛蔵 lipxlip イラストレーション 染谷勇次郎 勇次郎 落書き ibispaintx commissionsopen artistontwitter painting paint coloring shading practicemakesperfect lockdown2 hobby fantasy hi

He’s Zhero Phoenix , the main character of a future webcomic . One of his ways to combat is using an electromagnetic spectrum called “Fractal Light” which is pretty similiar to the light of our world.

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We're hard at work on the you'll get on when you fly Astral Ticket into Check out this reward! (low res and with the Alice stamp for now!)

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My character Judah one of Kana's Children(in the future of course) still gotta finish this though

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This is my character Sam...one with lines and the other without..and the old version of this character haha

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A more recent character i came up with named Galahad...or Galahands because he got hands for days and souls

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New Twitter user. ✨ Me draw a lot (and slowly *cough*), preferably this kind of style. Hopefully enjoyable. 😆🤧 Thank you!

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