De la SF jeunesse et la suite des Mapmakers chez en avril 2023 |

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From the Dark Crystal TTRPG I'm in, I bring you a notable NPC: Crod Craezer the podling! He's the most wise and capable of mapmakers and navigators, truly, definitely. He is also played by

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Ok lets do another one:
1. The map you had the most fun to make.
2. The map that was the hardest for you to make.
3. The map that is not your best but you just love.
4. The map where you learned the most.

And I would love to hear why it is so.

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Mapmakers and the Lost Magic by and GUYS - this is only book 1 in a series but I WANT BOOK 2 ASAP that's how good this story is. A story about a kid stuck with two choices and neither can guarantee happiness but one is giving it a chance to happen!

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The Uprising: The Mapmakers in Cruxcia by Eirlys Hunter is ‘a really exhilarating read, fast paced…would be enjoyed in Y5 & Y6…& could accompany a topic on map reading…or in PSHE lessons to show teamwork and resilience’. Read review:

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finalist The Uprising: The Mapmakers in Cruxcia by Eirlys Hunter, illus.Kirsten Slade, sequel to The Mapmakers’ Race Another exciting adventure for the Santander children who need their skills & to succeed.

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This we're presenting the first of our 5 mapmakers. The very responsible and high-strung red leader, Zosrin!

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Hi! Thank you for the space!
I'm an artist making isometric tokens, maps and png tiles and objects for mapmakers!
I'm making some new nature stuff: a forest pack!

You can find my free maps here:
And all my tiles and tokens here:

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Hi! Thank you for the space!
I'm an artist making isometric tokens, maps and png tiles and objects for mapmakers!
I'm making some new nature stuff: a forest pack!

You can find my free maps here:
And all my tiles and tokens here:

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Hi Travis!
I'm working on a set of book-themed packs of isometric png assets for mapmakers and DMs! I have to decide the theme for my next releases now!

You can find my free maps here:
And all my tokens and asset packs here:

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Hi! Thank you for the space!
I'm working on a set of book-themed packs of isometric png assets for mapmakers and DMs!!
These are a couple of my latest maps!

You can find my free maps here:
And all my tokens and asset packs here:

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Hi Kyle!
I'm an artist and I make isometric png assets for mapmakers and DMs!
This time I'm working on a set of book-themed packs!
These are a couple of my latest maps!

You can find my free maps here:
And all my stuff here:

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I'm an artist and I'm working on a set of book-themed isometric png asset packs for mapmakers (and DMs)!
I'm really liking the results so far!

You can find my free maps here:
And all my assets and tokens here:

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C'est le grand jour pour Alidade, Lewis & Blue !

Le début d'une grande aventure où Alidade et ses amis vont partir à la découverte du monde qui les entoure !

Gif par (+Marina+Pauline)

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🌲Les Mapmakers et la Magie oubliée, ça sort dans 2 semaines ! ✨

On en reparle très vite ! 🙂

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[PREVIEW] Les Mapmakers et la Magie Oubliée par &
Une jeune fille se retrouve face à un choix difficile : s’enfuir de sa vallée adorée ou… faire renaître une magie oubliée et devenir une Mapmaker pour sauver son village de ses nouveaux dirigeants ! 1/2

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Animals and the park: How Early European Mapmakers Used Animals to Document the World ..... Explore the variety of ways in which animals helped early mapmakers understand the expanding world of the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries......

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Maps and the park: How early European Mapmakers Used Animals to Document the expanding World ........

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