The Sheriff is in town (and he’s in love!)

Sheriff Steve doodle for ‘s upcoming Wild West AU Marvel fic, There’s No Place Like Home, with an illustration by me courtesy of 🥰

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(Rediseño terminado)

Después de un tiempo,El rediseño del Iron-Patriot de esta terminado.

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Como nueva personaje y mienbro de los X-Men en marvel Artist universe.

Tenemos a la usuaria como Angel.

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Como Nuevo anti-heroe y personaje en marvel artist universe,Tenemos al usuario como Loki.

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Estos son los modelos y todas las personalidades de la Moon Kight de marvel artist universe interpretada por (Juli_uwu).

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como nueva antiheroe y personaje de marvel artist universe.

tenemos a la usuario (honey-chan01) como bruja escarlata/wanda maximoff

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✨️Dance with me, Make me sway✨️

AU: Next gen: What Could Of Been (sub AU of my next gen au)

Kåre belongs to:
Fenrir belongs to: Me

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My fellow True Believers,

At long last, Earth-11491 has returned once again with established and new concepts for this unique fanon alternate take on the Marvel Comics Universe. May the third time be the charm.

Now, shall we begin again?

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“Longing, sixteen, sister, brother, daybreak, homecoming.”
Ranboo does a full-body shudder, eyes widening as he seems to still.

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TBIYWT? 10/10 would read again. The plot twists, immaculate.
thank you for this amazing fic and I will definitely be making more art for it soon!

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Daichi as Hawkeye for Kogus!


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I think Momo also has soft bird feathers instead of body hair.
and once a month they grow extremely intensively, whether this is due to the incest of bird and human genes - she herself does not know

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My headcanon
if you are interested, I will tell you more about it. the events take place after the last part of Spider-Man. Peter, left completely alone, still moves to Boston and there meets the local "hero" Momotaro

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If they knew how much I want to do and talk about my Marvel AU but I am so ashamed because I am a disaster and I am always changing things ;;

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Смотрите что нашёл под MarvelAU 😈

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Dog Hunter tries to attempt to murder on cat Peter Parker, The next image will either show Peter being saved or dead

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Alpine the owl! Page 6-7
An Marvel AU comic.(Please read more of the story in the 3rd photo)

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