A Pokémon whose heavy fat allows for superb protection; its well-developed jaw and fangs are powerful to crush through rocks.

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For dog Pokemon, Maschiff is butt ugly. It's scowl isn't charming, it's color scheme is unpleasant. It's just looks like a constipated puppy. Not a fan.

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Cryogonal & Klinklang...why do they exist?

Not a fan of Maschiff's face

Remember in FR/LG when Hypno almost kidnapped a child? That was scary https://t.co/NGuyjFjZNX

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pov: sei il mio personaggio maschile preferito negli anime 💛
(più complessati sono, più mi piacciono)

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Le Selkie, le fate foca
In Scozia e in IRLANDA SONO CHIAMATE LE CREATURE DEL Marine mutaforma e sono considerati i guardiani del mare
Il loro potere è nel manto e senza di esso non riescono a trasformarsi
Creature docili e bellissime, sia maschi o

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This puppy is art. I named mine Gorg and I will die for him.

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Triple-M (Modularer Mehrzweck-Mast) hoistable modular system (photo 1, overview) developed by GABLER Maschinenbau for the Type 212A-class submarines.
Very interesting concept, but not used on the current https://t.co/Q0gywdXkU3https://t.co/jdRoE6TETU

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oggi 14 Marzo è il White day dove per tradizione sono i ragazzi che devono regalare cioccolata o altro ai partner che amano, quindi; maschietti siete pronti?
(fan art by meteoricher )

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What’s up, man ?
色んな手続き書く能力が低いってか久しぶりでMASCHINE MK3入手が4月になりそう💦

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maschiff jacket boy…i need your name…

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