Mayerling de 20 años de edad, salió a pastorear el ganado de su finca y no regreso.
Hoy honro tu falta, contando un poco de lo que imagino podría haber sido tu trato con tu hija y entorno.

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After staying with & visiting Liverpool Docks where bought alpaca bales, Prince Rudolf toured Salts Mill 1878. He gave a shilling to a mill girl for “piecing up an end” & went into workers’ homes in Exactly 11yrs before

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One of Ballets most disturbing scenes - Mayerlings Rudolf & Stephanie PDD 💀
Pictured with the fearless by

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Mayerling tomorrow at the alongside the incredible Sarah Lamb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Photo by

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RODOLFO DE HABSBURGO : Asesinato o suicidio ¿ qué pasó en Mayerling ?

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