I test try csp, but yeah I need to learn how adjust with it since the pen feel more heavy to move compare to medbang, dunno if it also because my old device too kekw

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Draft concept art for my new NFT project

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Itu pertama kali pake ibis
Skrng make medbang, karena hape dah tua T^T https://t.co/Tev1MeG3N6

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Just got a super cool tablet and I drew something on it, I really like it

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Drawing GIlgamesh from Fate series bcs why not... ( @^w^@)

I don't seem to draw males often too...

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MedBang!さんの2017年酉年年賀状コンテストで優秀賞に選んで頂きました。わーい (*´∀`)https://t.co/ylEWZvbSWC


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