- hated by animenewsnetwork
- hated by fujoshis, gets worst polls everywhere
- hated by bara fans
- hated by mecha fans (in the form of "char counterattack ripoff" meme)
- its own creators doesn't like it too

legend of the blue wolves is pure chaos, I love it

3 26

Pierwszy epizod zadebiutuje w końcu początkiem lipca. Wielbiciele lekkich i przyjemnych shounenów szykujcie się.

0 0

Premiera The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse oficjalnie zapowiedziana na październik tego roku.


0 1

New movie coming out in December called spy x family code: white!!!

Also season 2 of spy family will debut in October!! Hope y’all are ready for more Anyaaa!!

1 2

"JUJUTSU KAISEN" season 2 key visual. Broadcasting begins in July and will run for two consecutive cour. (MAPPA)

0 2

La película live action de "The Beginning", tendrá una duración de 1 hora 54 minutos, según se ha logrado conocer

0 0

La serie confirma segunda temporada para 2024. La primera temporada puede ser vista a través de

0 0

Comparten imágen promocional de "The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights Of The Apocalypse", secuela oficial de y que estrenará en octubre de este 2023.

0 1

Author webtoon NEVALS mengucapkan "Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa Ramadhan 1444 Hijriah" semoga amal kita diterima di sisinya aamiin

0 4

TV Anime “The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses” to Air in July 2023! Music by Popular Vocaloid Producer JimmyThumb-P! https://t.co/5fns0Rsvq9

2 7

MVM announce 5 new acquisitions including Assassin's Pride, Flying Witch and Iroduku - details and trailers here:


1 12

Paranormasight Reviews:

God is a Geek- 9/10
Inverse- 9/10
TheGamer- 9/10
RPGSite- 9/10
Noisy Pixel- 9/10
Hey Poor Player- 9/10
MonsterVine- 9/10
Butwhytho- 8.5/10
AnimeNewsNetwork- B

Square internally developed a visual novel/adventure game for Switch/PC and it is a winner!

193 1336

Killing Bites, Papa and Daddy's Home Cooking, & THE FORCE OF THE FOX Coming to Mangamo https://t.co/RCmHhDeeeB

1 3

MF Ghost – The Spiritual Successor of Initial D – is Now Available Digitally Across Bookwalker, Apple Books, Google Play, Nook & More! https://t.co/hDZ6MoYKV7

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