Theo 🐭: 💢💢💢💢
(complaining about something I did)
Me 😸:"I promise I won't ever do it again!"

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Mr. Fortune has a special summer sale this weekend on Miracle Paints guaranteed to give any painting a genius touch. Picasso said he's got all the genius he needs, Dali said something weird as usual, and Theo said: "Don't waste your money, Meowogh!" What should I do?

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van meowogh and theo at montmartre!

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was a nice place to visit😺 I'd love to live there one day~🔅

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I'm not saying that Dali's baguettes aren't tasty, but I think I've had enough~~

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These mice deliver the furniture I buy back from Mr. Fortune. When I tip them they compliment me but when I don't they change their attitudes and say bad things about me...

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This woodpecker is Gibert, the repairman! He works at an incredible speed, but he always starts repairing before I make a request😹💦 I heard that he's afraid of heights though he's a bird~

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Mr. Pine is an art dealer and knows a lot of people in the art industry. I usually sell my paintings to him, but I don't get that much money out of them...meow, why is he so stingy!!?🙀

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Copas also works under Madame Violet. I was wondering why he’s working as a debt collecter though he doesn't look scary at all, but the other day, I found out he's completely different when he's angry🙀

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Louie works under Madame Violet. He always has an aggressive attitude and is short-tempered. He does have a scary face, but actually he's scared of ghosts👻

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This is Madame Violet, the boss of the debt collectors. As you can see, she's powerful and scary...If I don't pay off my debt, she's gonna take the mansion away from me! I can't let that happen!!

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Monet is an impressionist painter🐱🖌️
He's fluffy and makes me feel relaxed~...but he often causes trouble because all he thinks about is food😿
He may look young, but nope, not at all!

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So this one is Dali from Spain, the country of passion🇪🇸 He considers himself a genius, but to me he's a weirdo...well, there is a fine line between genius and madness, for sure.

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This is Gauguin, and though he has a family he's really self-centered! But his paintings are one-of-a-kind, and I can see that his wife supports him because she believes in his talent...such a nice family!

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Do you know who Picasso is? People say he's a genius, but girls, don't be fooled by him...he's a womanizer! Hmm, but he draws such beautiful paintings...I do have to admit that he is a genius🤔

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Hi I'm Meowogh the cat painter🐱
I have a massive debt to pay...but I won't lose hope! I'll sell my paintings and restore my master's mansion!! Help me out!

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