atlanta (kancolle) helena (kancolle) honolulu (kancolle) by kamezou (kame-zo)

0 5 akebono (kancolle) ushio (kancolle) by kamezou (kame-zo)

1 4 gotland (kancolle) by kamezou (kame-zo)

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Ya salió ganador, muchas gracias a los que participaron en la dinámica de hoy, nos vemos en la siguiente.

Dibujo pendiente para

Respuestas: Mezou Shouji (tentacole) My hero academia, habilidad réplicas de su cuerpo en sus brazos (ojos, boca y orejas)

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Cover for Vol.1 compilation of the manga written and illustrated by Mamezou, "Succubus to Hajimeru Shinken Kousai", on sale August 22, 2022.

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There's SO MUCH ROOM for creativity when it comes to fantasy races
Look at any race from DND
You want examples in a more anime style? The Zora from Zelda come to mind
MHA also has tons of unique character designs like Koji Koda or Mezou Shouji

0 0 admiral (kancolle) akebono (kancolle) amagiri (kancolle) oboro (kancolle) sagiri (kancolle) sazanami (kancolle) ushio (kancolle) by kamezou (kame-zo)

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Might be my last art post for a little while, so I thought I'd make a quick funny

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— Mezou Shouji !

Hombre greysexual, ocupa he/him.

Desconocía el aspectro ace, le pidió a Iida que le explicara y se sintió cómodo al escuchar la etiqueta de greysexual.

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No, no, the biggest mystery is what the fuck is under Mezou's mask

0 1 gotland (kancolle) by kamezou (kame-zo)

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Mamezou and Azuki are Japan’s influenza prevention bean characters.

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MISS MAAMS IS DONE 😈 She's part of a challenge where u take 3 characters from mha: 1 matching ur age, 1 matching ur height, and 1 matching ur bday and u put them together to get yourself in the mha universe :)

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