Looking at the world through the eyes of a kindhearted but confused fox cub (I know that's an oddly specific reply). I'm also enjoying and - slowing down and noticing (🎨Tiphanie Beeke, from Fletcher and the Springtime Blossom)

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【日本の暦 72候】#土潤溽暑(つちうるおうてむしあつし)Earth is damp, Air is humid. - Japan's 72 Microseasons
(7/28~8/1頃) 熱気がまとわりつく蒸し暑い時期のこと。溽暑(じょくしょ)とは…詳しくは で🐶https://t.co/lmgALbnOgf

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Japan's Microseasons "The Iris Flowers"
(6/27-7/1頃の の花が咲く頃。雨が必要な農家では…
菖蒲と の見分け方ほか、続きは
& 本日からの の下描き。

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Safflowers Bloom - Japan's 72 Microseasons 【日本の暦 】紅花栄 (5/26〜5/31) 紅花が咲き誇る頃
詳しくは で🐶 https://t.co/vnj9AfHmKw

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Silkworms Start Feasting On Mulberry Leaves - Japan's 72 Microseasons 【日本の暦 】蚕起食桑 (5/21〜5/25) 卵から孵化した蚕が盛んに桑の葉を食べはじめて育つ時期。 は…詳しくは で🐶https://t.co/wjx9MQrUte

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Vol. 120 | No. 51: A free mobile app featuring the Ancient Japanese Calendar of 72 Microseasons... https://t.co/5rH9G5VCl3

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