Nether wart can be used to brew Awkward Potion and also create a decorative Nether Wart Block. The Minecraft cursor and game pointer!

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A candle is a source of light that can be obtained with any tool or hand. The Minecraft cursor and game pointer with Cyan Candle and Cyan Dye!

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The spider eye is poisonous food that is obtained from spiders and is used for brewing. The Minecraft cursor with Spider Eye and Fermented Spider Eye!

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A heart of the sea is used to create a conduit - is a block that provides players Conduit Power. The Minecraft cursor with Heart of the Sea and Conduit!

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Petra is the character in the game Minecraft. Petra is known for her determination, resilience, dedication. She is a warrior, fighter, and a member of Jesse's gang.

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I heard you were going to write a book. Look, I managed to get a feather and a book for you. Find the ink and you get a Book and Quill. Minecraft cursor for pixel writers.

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Urgently need to scare away annoying Piglins? Take this blue soul torch cursor for your Minecraft collection.

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How to find the mysterious Red Steve in Minecraft, alas, we do not know. But we have this Minecraft cursor with a Red Steve and a redstone sword.

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Custom cursor with Cocoa Bean Pods of the 1st and 3rd stages of growth. For all Minecraft cookie lovers who have at least once asked question - How to grow cocoa beans?

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How to move around lava? You need to ride a Strider and control it with a warped fungus on a stick. If your screen is lava, then it is better to use this Minecraft Strider as a cursor

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Any pickaxe, even a wooden one, is suitable for mining the Nether bricks. Minecraft cursors pack with Wooden pickaxe and Nether bricks.

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Want milk? Find a cow and a bucket - get a bucket of milk! Want Minecraft cursor? Here is one.

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To get the iron block, you need at least a stone pickaxe. To get it all at once, just add this Minecraft cursor.

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Pickaxe, a tool that you definitely need to get the coveted diamond ore! Diamond ore is what makes you scream with delight! This cursor brings these two elements together.

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A custom cursor with a gray egg called Silverfish Spawn Egg and a small, hostile Silverfish mob from Minecraft game.

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It seems that a pretty and shy Enderman Girl came to replace Creeper Girlfriend. Add this custom cursor with a pearlescent skin to your Minecraft game collection.

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Steve was upgraded and armed with a new set of rare Netherite, which is more powerful than diamond and does not burn in lava. Strong Netherite cursor from the Minecraft game.

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Straight from the end cities, insidious, box-shaped mobs Shulkers, in purple Minecraft custom cursor.

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It looks like this Hoglin is trapped. Minecraft cursor pack with Hoglin and Warped Fungus from which this boar can not run away.

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Minecraft Llamas are neutral, but if a player or mob attacks one, it spits at the attacker once, sometimes they miss and hit another llama, starting a fight.😲

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