day 21: today’s is a quicker sketch because online school is killing me. These are Mosasaurs hunting in a family group, based on how intelligent Mosasaurs could have been!

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Since I missed yesterday, for the 17th, I have a double dose of being an estuarine temnospondyl hiding in cold and salty delta mud and preying on an ornithischian and a suction feeding plesiosaur with a large gular pouch for that purpose.

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day 15: today’s is simple. It’s a (rather basal) theropod with a hornbill like casque, inspired by the speculation some people were making with the crests of Dilophosaurus

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day 12: today’s is a saltasaur adapted to live like an ankylosaur, even more heavily armored than related sauropods. Pictured here with a very confused abelisaur

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day 7: today’s is a pair of abelisaurs engaged in bloody combat with their ridiculously thick (thicc) tails. Carnotaurus had a very thick tail, and these abelisaurs have taken it to the logical extreme, fighting like giraffes do with their necks.

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Using this as chance to plug the atypical designs I have prepared for

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Day three of Today’s are a pair of ALPINE Scutellosaurs. The large, big horn sheep like horns are based off of the smaller horns discovered on Scutellosaurus. The thick coat of feathers keeping them warm also obscured most of the scutes!

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