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太もものPhysBone コライダーを2段構えにして、Mixamoで拾ってきた座りモーションを再生してテスト。座り方は人それぞれだから確実ではないけど、ちょっとは良くなったかな。

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今日の収穫はBlenderのAuto Rig Pro(約5千円)で表情が作成。Rigも作成。MixamoのFBXデータをリマップできた。あとBonePhysicsで髪ゆれを作成できた。価格だけの価値はあるよ!応用でスカート等の揺れもいずれは・・・。
あとSimply Cloth(訳1万円)は上手く使えないでござる(´;ω;)ブワッ

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Yes, the project for this rig test was to set it up so I can just load Mixamo animation data without limiting any of my existing rig controller elements.

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Duck getting loose
little mixamo animation

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Me after the 434816th edit 🤪

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Having little fun with my Kakashi 3d Model in Mixamo
If you wanna check out more about it the link is in my bio

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Echo of Mixamo animation data which can easily be tweaked. (ignore the fingers not working yet)

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Mixamo使って自動でざっくりスキニング、サンプルアニメ入れたらすごくいい感じになった。形状確認にめっちゃくちゃ便利だぁ… https://t.co/kePLaKzrGa

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happy new year! i made this in blender last year and then put through mixamo because i did not want to weight paint the skirt. maybe i will revisit this someday

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Alright so...here's the official design....not sure what's going on with the spine there so I'm contacting mixam

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I'm glad Mixamo exists, but I need to better understand how to work on an entire episode better. 😅

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super happy to be able to discover and follow more artists!
ps sorry im currently experimenting with mixamo hence why this gf

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寒くなってまいりましたのでショールでも巻いてあったかくしましょう。久々に デモです。

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