Sasha decides to take her "crush" to somewhere else to have more fun. I wonder what does Anne think about her friend having a crush on her mom... this is a commission
Sasha and Mrs Boonchuy from Amphibia

14 97

Many people say she is a mom...
Among them, I am alone in portraying her as a daughter.... Am I a heretic...? 🫠

11 145

She wasn't even the baddest Nickelodeon mom...

0 5

Magic is cute, but her old design was good too! Well I suppose now it's just Magic's mom...

15 30

Lightning McQueen has fucked weed goku's mom...

25 393

i swear that's how compensation scatman sees his family and people with long black hair when looking for his mom...

he needs some pair of glasses for that...

0 0

My mom said we can go on a Quest
in Genesis City if it’s ok with your mom... 🥹

Keep your Heroes, Villains, & Gods in action on NFH IQ before the end of the Season NEXT WEEKEND! 🔜

Get that $lore, GLHF! 🎮

4 10

My Mom...


10 22
( my imagination about makima )

0 1

Drew a big Alisa from Trails of Cold Steel, been wanting to do this for a while! Seems she finally gained the upper hand over her mom... I've also been working on a new comic lately. It's not quite as ambitious as the Rin one, but hopefully something fun nonetheless!

271 1550

Now way a damn minute... something seems fishy over here...this is oddly nice coming from my mom....

0 0

I heard I look like mom
My goal was look like a girl not a mom...

51 553

Sharing this again.
If it weren't for my late mom, I never would've discovered Pokémon... I love you mom... Thanks for allowing me to enjoy Pokémon as a kid...

1 1