Remember ill-fated Marcus Baxam from I have just found a drawing of him with two (!) arrows in his head, politely greeting two noble women, drawn and engraved by Joris Hoefnagel in 1597 coll..

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Weird object for sale: dying in a box. Waxwork figure representing on his death bed, modelled by Kaspar Bernhard Hardy, c.170.

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Good Monday! Today we have this gorgeous cup and lancet knife to delight you with! They were used to expurge 'bad', 'excessive,' or 'stagnant' blood in order to balance the four humours and prevent/cure ill health in the past.

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What is harder than painting a A depiction of a page of a burned vanitas still life with skull by master Sebastian Stoskopff, ca. 1631, coll. almost

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Today's features these beautiful silkworm gut ligatures, used for tying off arteries and veins after amputations. Now doesn't that sound tempting? Nothing says 'relaxing bank holiday' quite like a bit of silkworm gut after a bloody amputation!

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today features this stainless steel abdominal retractor, for holding incisions in place while surgeon does their jiggery-pokery with the internal organs. Also useful for holding back annoying comments when shoved in the mouths of irritating colleagues

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Here's a thing for Haven't done stuff like this in a while hhh

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