Whilst in Beleriand, when was Morgoth most vulnerable?

Artwork by Dan Pilla

120 1130

thou art the mightiest in the void and ender of days

10 30

Morgoth vs Fingolfin a duel for the ages ⚔️

Artwork by Dark Lord Studios [IG]

356 3559

“in all the deeds of melkor [...] sauron had a part [...] but in after years he rose like a shadow of morgoth and a ghost of his malice and walked behind him on the same ruinous path down into the void.”

— valaquenta; the silmarillion

— the seduction of mairon
© bohemianweasel

34 149

Pues hoy llega Tulkas.. el rubio fuertote de los Valar!
Un tipo que lo mismo se ríe que te suelta un guantazo que manda a Morgoth de vuelta a su casa a ordenar la habitación.
Qué os parece?

2 15

here's some older works I've done. Aragorn and Arwen, Legalos, Manwë and Ulmo, and Melkor(Morgoth).

170 715

One of my favorites.
Love the simplicity.

“Fingolfin Calls for Morgoth”
By Max Beech

247 1908

Fingolfin llegó solo a las puertas de Angband, e hizo sonar su cuerno, golpeó las puertas de bronce y desafió a Morgoth a un combate singular. Y Morgoth salió. Vestido con una armadura negra, se erguía ante el Rey como una torre coronada de hierro.


189 1869

Le defeat of Morgoth/Melkor has arrived | u/knightfluttershy | https://t.co/kLRLQdJbIm

0 1

El primer Señor Oscuro Morgoth en su trono de Angband junto a su más leal servidor, Sauron.


720 6126

"Fingolfin vs Morgoth, the First Dark Lord" John Howe
"The Witch King of Angmar" ^
"Glorfindel battles with a Balrog" Alan Lee
"Sam defeats Shelob" Ted Nasmith

9 53

Servant of Morgoth.

20 162

Okay here we go, in honour of Waldreg, it's our favourite ✨beautiful✨ servant of Morgoth, Mr. Sauron

135 405

"He gathered again under his government all the evil things of the days of Morgoth that remained on earth or beneath it, and the Orcs were at his command and multiplied like flies."

23 275

Some titanic moments from The Silmarillion, published 45 years ago: Music of the Ainur, Kinslaying at Alqualondë, rescue of Maedhros from Thangorodrim, + Fingolfin's Challenge to Morgoth. Art: Anna Kulisz, Ted Nasmith, Rick Ritchie, + John Howe.

82 427