Seven exploding the myth of a movement. An exhibition on co-curated by Modern and the , explores the movement's previously unacknowledged

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The Windrush generation arrived in Britain 72 years ago. They were the vanguard of Britain’s multiculturalism. An example of the practical and cultural benefits of immigration. Yet they have been betrayed by the Tory government’s heartless deportations policy.

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On this day, non-Indigenous folks celebrate our multiculturalism. Too few know Australia's always been this way.

Fellow settlers: let's stop being defensive and instead use today as an opportunity to learn about the survival humanity's oldest civilisation.

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What is your heritage? I’m Italian/Canadian. “Hydie” shows us that one person can be the product of multiple cultures, each dragon comes from a different country and represents multiculturalism. Prints are online at and she’ll also be at SDCC booth 4723!

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