Pegleg Pete the Wild-man Cannibal
From page 136 of Excavator Monthly Compendium, in the NPC section of the book, we meet this horrific freak.

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Twin Headed Pink Haired Mutantess with Crossbow
Honestly, this character was generated using the hub rules and tables from the Society of Excavators members area of our website.

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DOG DAZE Arrives Tomorrow, December 7th

After the untimely demise of my main computer, and nearly every other sort of calamity, it is all resolved.
Now full focus on the Expansion Rules. WM

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“Whoa, hold on. It’s coming this way!”
Excavators encounter a Junk Stalker in the badlands, someplace north of Pitford. Art from Mutant Bestiary One’s encounter tables at the back of the book.

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“Hey, what the hell is that thing?”
“I dunno, let’s throw a rock at it.”

Encounter tables header Art from Mutant Bestiary One for The Mutant Epoch TTRPG

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Mutant Dolphin
From the whales section of Mutant Bestiary One, pods of these marine mammals typically feature the same one or two deviations.

like or or

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Thunder Sheep
At 12 feet in length, these giants of the wasteland travel in herds and tend to flatten any creature or humanoid dumb enough to get too close.

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Bighorn Sheep
18% of encountered herds will be mutated, and could feature such deviations as two heads, bony bristles, great size, omnivorous diet, or bipedal with crude hands.

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Saw Wing
With greyish bodies and blood-red wings, these mutant bats hunt in packs. During an attack, they swoop in from behind their prey and make two slashes with their fearsome bone wing blades.

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Shambler Cat
Turn to page 25 of Mutant Bestiary One and in the section for cats, you’ll find this 3700kg, 5.2meter tall behemoth. These things are like the T-tex of the mutated new world.

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Mutant Moose
I imagine this rider is a courier that makes regular runs between communities. Yes, kinda like in movie.

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Image of the Day
Multiple Player Characters? A high KIA rate says yes


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