Sad Training Weiss is done!
I think I know my next drawing, its another Weiss...and one thats been requested alot!

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Hanayume's Onsen.

Come take the tour!
Please let me know what you think. 💖 I made all the custom designs myself, and used new approaches to terraforming and ice pillars.

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Working Through It- Part 5 of 6:
From My Younger Self.

[...M]y 12-year-old self [...] told me, "No! It is not hopeless [...nor] foolish. Dreaming is where all things start. You cannot give up. [...] You are more powerful than you feel like you are right now." [...]

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Working Through It- Part 3 of 6:

[...] I allowed the fear of being wrong silence me, but silence is complicity and prevents the opportunity to learn. Wishes mean very little if tangible effort is not involved. [...]

(More on Insta and elsewhere.)

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The Warbling White-Eye's Eggs at the Cherry's Peak Bloom.

Scanned vers. In place of a party, I invite you to leave comments on and share this video on my birthday, April 19th. Ty! Hope to see you there. ♥️

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