Have you heard about the "pancake of mistakes"? In this month shares a free download that is also much fun! Making mistakes and learning from them is our theme in issue 98.

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In this month we are talking about stress! explains what it really is, and what it feels like - as recognising your emotions is the first step towards feeling mentally healthy too! Read more in Storytime issue 93 - out now!

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It's National Hugging Day! Hugging is a simple and comforting gesture which makes a big difference.Stay safe, stay as connected as you can with people, and please speak to someone if you need to. Sending virtual hugs to everyone.

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In we are talking about self-care. It is an important part of living a healthy and happy lifestyle. This year specially we need to talk and practice it more than ever! writes about it in our issue 88 to get us all thinking!

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Supporting children's well-being is important to us! We have teamed up with to help our readers grow happy, confident and resilient! Today let's support each other and remember to always be kind!

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Have you made self-care a part of your new year's resolutions? Make the most of 2021 with simple actions every day. Here are some ideas to help you prioritise self-care this year. Check them out and share your self-care resolutions for the year with us!

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