Finally got this done! Lindsay, Lumi and Winona had a fabulous yesterday and hope you got lots of hugs too!

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Love art! I can only hope one day for more of the Power Couple 🙏

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Many Toy Story Fandom i ever draw always hugged like that. But Woody hug Yelly and Bo Peep hug Purpin is not mine, just my friend's picture for me.

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Happy If you're reading this right now, go give your loved one a BIG HUG, just like Felipe did for Camilla. 💞🌵

📚️ "Hug Me" by

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Today is International Playdate Day!

So why not invite a friend round for tea. It's also National Hugging Day, so give them a friendly hug too!

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my illustration for sovlo
Happy 🧚🏼‍♀️

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I'm 3-4 days late, but here's something!

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You want hugs like this. GIVE ME A BIG OLD SQUEEZE 🥰

Art made by

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Always late to the party, but here be my girlies being all huggable!

Check out my Canvas series, COSPLAYED!

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Only 10 days remain until the second season of Nate is Late! To celebrate both that and I designed outfits for Nate and Malika and made them hug each other 😃

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