Pack of dogs taking down their natural prey in the wild, a weakened kibble truck. Nature can be both cruel and beautiful.

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New in: a contemporary short collection of limited edition hand-pulled, screen prints by Rachel Williams. The series explores the plight of and their ingenious adaptations. For a full catalogue please email:

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☢️𝔅𝔞𝔡 𝔳𝔦𝔡𝔢𝔬𝔤𝔞𝔪𝔢𝔰☢️

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An extra excerpt from our comparative classes: colour-coded non-human skulls (pig and dog) showing the analogous bones between species.
Original image credit from by - a stunning book and excellent osteology resource!

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Where did the radish go to have a few drinks?
The salad bar!
Yes that was bad, will we feel bad? Nope not at all. Stay rad!! .

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I wrote something on R. A. Fisher's concept of reproductive value, including its connection with Google's PageRank.

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Don't miss and his dad Peter Holden (author and former Blue Peter 'bird man') in conversation this Wed about their wonderful exhibition ^km

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Not long until the 2019 Shrewsbury Darwin Festival & talk by from on Darwin's Nemesis? The interesting case of Alfred Russel Wallace : Booking: Sat 16 Feb

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